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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris VIII PTS

Soal B. Inggris vlll

Answer the question based on the dialoge below !

The question for number      1-4

Situation:  Laila, Rijal, and Zahro having discussion about the outbound plan nextmonth.

Laila:    Is the proposal for our programe ready, Rijal ?
Rijal:    yes, we just need to propose to headmaster  to be signed.
Laila:    That good, we can propose it tomorrow.
Zahro:   We must make an anouncement about the outbound now.
 Rijal:    Wait, we should wait untill he agree and sign our proposal.
Zahro:   i’m sure he will.
Laila;      I agree with you, Rijal . We should wait the proposal has been signed.
Zahro:    Ok!, I follow your sugestion.

1. Who are in the dialogue?

2. What are they talking about?

3. What does they do before perform the programe?

4. Which utterentces show the expression of giving opinion or sugestion?

5. Write your opinion based on the picture below!

6. Write the dialoguebased on the situation given!” Your old sister got a doorprize from car free day programe”.


7. Range the sentences below into correct sentences!

a. are- Ega and Egi –at – now-sitting-canteen-a

b. my –share- want-I-to-hapiness-my-bestfriend-with

8. Translate into Indonesia!

a. Good job, Susi. I’m so happy to hear that.
b. Rere and Lina are having lunch in the cafe near their school.

9. Please write your opinion about my theaching!

10. Do you like it? Why?

Soal B. Inggris vlll    Answer the question based on the dialoge below !    The question for number      1-4    Situation:  Laila, Rijal, and Zahro having discussion about the outbound plan nextmonth.    Laila:    Is the proposal for our programe ready, Rijal ?  Rijal:    yes, we just need to propose to headmaster  to be signed.  Laila:    That good, we can propose it tomorrow.  Zahro:   We must make an anouncement about the outbound now.   Rijal:    Wait, we should wait untill he agree and sign our proposal.  Zahro:   i’m sure he will.  Laila;      I agree with you, Rijal . We should wait the proposal has been signed.  Zahro:    Ok!, I follow your sugestion.    1. Who are in the dialogue?    2. What are they talking about?    3. What does they do before perform the programe?    4. Which utterentces show the expression of giving opinion or sugestion?    5. Write your opinion based on the picture below!    6. Write the dialoguebased on the situation given!” Your old sister got a doorprize from car free day programe”.    A:  B:    7. Range the sentences below into correct sentences!    a.  are- Ega and Egi –at – now-sitting-canteen-a    b.  my –share- want-I-to-hapiness-my-bestfriend-with    8. Translate into Indonesia!    a. Good job, Susi. I’m so happy to hear that.  b. Rere and Lina are having lunch in the cafe near their school.    9. Please write your opinion about my theaching!    10. Do you like it? Why?

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